Please note: Orders placed between 8th - 16th March will not be dispatched until Monday 17th March

Which Colour Friday? Black Friday? Green Friday?

 So, I am going to be honest, I have been debating this topic internally for a little while now, which Friday should we be celebrating? Ultimately if it were any other year then the choice would be a simple one, but it’s not any other year, it’s a year like no other, it’s 2020.

‘What’s wrong with Black Friday?’, I hear you cry, well in lots of cases there is nothing wrong with it. Personally, I do love the opportunity to be able to buy much coveted items at a reduced rate (there is currently a coat sat in my basket, which I would not be able to buy if it wasn’t for the Black Friday discount) or being able to buy gifts for loved ones at a fraction of the retail price. However I appreciate that there will be lots of you reading this that will have experienced the ‘Black Friday Hangover’ with parcels arriving and the doom of the credit card statement, with the thoughts of ‘WHY did I buy that!’ Products that will probably never see the light of day, which we all know isn’t a great idea for our bank accounts or the planet! If you have such items in your wardrobes, I urge you to sell them or gift them to a charity shop, DO NOT bin them. Oxfam, reported that a staggering 13 million items of clothing goes to landfill a WEEK in the UK!

Plus, I believe there is a lot of pressure on small businesses like ourselves to offer the same level of discounts as the super brands, but in truth our margins and sales don’t compare and we simply cannot compete. I totally understand, how for many it simply isn’t possible to offer Black Friday discounts, so if a business isn’t offering a discount, please respect that it may not be possible and if you love their products then please continue to support them.


Some of you maybe wondering, Green Friday? What on earth is Green Friday? It maybe easier to call it ‘anti – Black Friday’. Green Friday, believed to have originated from Canada in the early 90’s, with the premise to either shop sustainably or not to shop at all. Rather than splurge on ‘irresistible’ discounts, it is encouraging shoppers to take a moment to pause and think, do I really need this. So naturally Green Friday is much more aligned with our brand ethos, but there is a BUT.

As we all know 2020 is a year like no other and for some it has been undeniably hard and continues to be, furthermore we really want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us this year, we really wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you all. So, we have decided to combine the good aspects of both Green Friday and Black Friday. We are officially giving you notice that we will be offering discount over the Black Friday – Cyber Monday weekend, this is allowing you time to look at the website and think ‘Do I really want this?’ ‘Do I really need this?’ before making your purchase.

Head over to the website from Friday 27th – Monday 30th November and use  discount code ‘BLACK20’ to receive a 20% discount on all clothing purchases (gift cards and gift hampers are not included).

Enjoy Black Friday, don’t abuse it - buy what you need, buy sustainably!


REMEMBER you can support small businesses for free this year, simply like, share and comment on their social media, recommend them to friends or leave them a review. All of these things may not cost you anything but are of great value to small businesses. 


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